Christmas Mini Sessions can be stressful.
But with the right prep for your session, your little ones, and you, will be ready to capture some fantastic images to last you. Let's be honest, you can go anywhere for your holiday photos, JCPenny, Kmart, but when you take holiday photos with a professional photographer specializing in mini sessions you will get quality images, a personalized experience, and memories to go with it. Now let's chat through how to make the experience remarkable!
- Set appropriate expectations for everyone. No photo session will be perfect, kids get cranky, so plan for the worst during these sessions and remember that in the 15-20 minutes your photographer has your child they will do everything in this power to capture meaningful moments. If you know your child will not smile on command or is not comfortable staring into a camera, allow them to be genuine in the photo, it will simply look better.
- Bring a treat... or two! I am not above bribery, my clients know that one of the first things I tell them to bring to a session is a treat their child loves that is not messy, marshmallow, gummy bears, apple slices, or puffs. We can use these as an incentive during the session to work for after the session or if it is really going badly, we can give a small taste of it without fear of getting dirty. Then bring something they REALLY love or take them or ice cream after the session as a way to thank them for doing so well, and you won't have to care if they get messy.
- Wrap a gift! Yes a gift! Now, during my sessions I always have a box for the kids to open at the end with something inside it. This allows for me to capture a fun shot of them doing something organic that they would on Christmas morning. But if you also bring a gift that is wrapped, they will for sure work for it. Tell them that after the session you have a present for them, but they can't get it until the session is over. Make sure it is wrapped, that adds some magic!
- Clothing can kill a session. And I mean this with respect. If your kids absolutely hates the feeling of a bow tie, suspenders are going to be uncomfortable, please don't put them in it. The photos will reflect their distain for the clothing selection and no photographer can do the impossible of taking an angry face off of a child in post production. Opt instead for a pull over sweater, or add some style with a tee and a jacket instead.
- Give them props to hold. Your photographer may already have a setup and tons of props, but if you know there is a toy, a book, a bubble wand that your child loves, bring it! The photographer may be able to hide the item in a way that the camera won't see it, but your child will feel comfortable. Or, maybe the photographer cannot hide it, but the phots are yours and your child will be happy, so let t hem play with Peppa Pig at the Christmas session. I promise you everyone will be looking at your happy child's face and not commenting on the stuffy she brought for the photo. I personally love to have kids use something special of their own, it makes things easier
Lastly, let them be themselves. As parents we have this idealistic vision of what our holiday cards are going to look like, or what our photo hanging on the wall should be like. But let our children shine in a way that allows us to look back on the photo and see their authentic selves. I promise your mini session will be much better if you have fun and just try to enjoy the ride.